
At Varship Shipping, we provide our clients with a leading-edge system of vertically intergrated services.


  • Market industry analysis.
  • Optimizing deployment and performance of our fleet.
  • Design, implementation and monitoring of our chartering strategy.

Key goal: To maintain employment of fleet and year-round knowledge of market processes in all sectors.

Sales and Purchasing (S&P)
We maintain an active dialogue at all times with brokering houses, shipowners and operators to generate dead flow of assets second hand markets.

Our highly experienced in-house law personnel, supported by our operations and technical teams and always updated as to the use of services of International Law Firms & P&I Clubs, engage in minimizing the various risks, pertinent to our business. Our team draws on legal commercial and technical expertise, gained at major international law firms and other shipmanagers.
Key goal: To determine the appropriate mitigation strategy of covering each risk separately.

  • Maintenance of fleet operating performance at optimal level.
  • Minimizing costs while optimizing technical performance.
  • Performing technical due diligence control to provide input for a relevant investment or commercial decision.

We have assembled a highly qualified finance team with valuable industry experience. They provide financial, accounting and treasury services, according to the International Accounting Standards, in the interest of both our management and our clients.

Key goals:

  • To provide continuous process improvement recommendations to the company Quality Manager.
  • To resolve disputes and incidents timely and effectively.
  • To work closely with the technical department and the commercial director in order to provide comprehensive services to our charterers, while maximizing profitability for our shipowners.

Our affiliate company in Manila, Crossworld Marine, is in charge of our maritime personnel.